Having not slept a wink all night I was looking forward to calling in “sick” Monday morning and havin a well deserved sleep-in. Unfortunatly due to a technological fubar I was called in to perfom my magic (turn it off and on) and on 2 hours sleep, a days worth of work… ok I went
Post Tagged with: "Xbox"
XBOX Kinect’s Boob Jiggler
In a week where I can’t seem to get my mind, or posts off boobs (as viewed here with some Side Boob action and here with a little Boob Shaking action) the XBOX Kinect, Microsofts answer to the Wii and motion control has just added to my fascination of the female fun bags. YouTube user
HALO: Reach, Birth of a Spartan
As I now regard myself as an ex-gamer having never played 3 of the titles in my Xbox360 collection, no longer reading the daily RSS feed from kotaku and not even abe to remember the last time I dragged my microsoft (you don’t deserve a capital m, microsoft) heatbox known as “Burney the Xbox360” out
Dead Xbox Appropriate Packaging
So over the weekend my barely used Xbox 360 “Elite” (Microsoft code for paint it black and charge more) decided it no longer wanted to power up and instead turn into a mini red light district by “red ringing”. Tempted as I was to throw it through a wall, stand over its busted remains screaming