Submitted By: Gene B.
Revokee: Jack
Reason For Revocation:
Potential revokee, who is married with a kid, posted a selfie on Instagram of his outfit. Being British is no excuse for trying to start his own “hot girl summer”
Sometimes guys can get out of hand. When they step over the unmanly line, it is our duty to report them and submit them for Man Card Revocation. Then, the community can vote on whether or not the revocation is deserved. Submit a Revocation and let the community decide.
Submitted By: Gene B.
Revokee: Jack
Reason For Revocation:
Potential revokee, who is married with a kid, posted a selfie on Instagram of his outfit. Being British is no excuse for trying to start his own “hot girl summer”
Submitted By: Gene B.
Revokee: Jack Buckby
Reason For Revocation:
Potential revokee, who is married with a kid, posted a selfie on Instagram of his outfit. Being British is no excuse for trying to start his own “hot girl summer”
Submitted By: Quantrell bishop
Revokee: Mark metheimer
Reason For Revocation:
Man card revoked for the following reasons. Making 2 false police reports
Stalking quantrell bishop on Twitter.
Submitted By: Quantrell bishop
Revokee: Mark metheimer
Reason For Revocation:
Man card revoked for the following reasons. Making 2 false police reports
Stalking quantrell bishop on Twitter.
Submitted By: ARCA
Revokee: Jansen T Howard
Reason For Revocation:
You are no longer entitled to be considered a man since you have relinquished all thoughts, actions, and mannerisms to the control of a modern day Delilah. If you pursue this path, more than your ‘locks’ may get cut!!!
Submitted By: Masyn Lutes
Revokee: Isaac Dockery
Reason For Revocation:
This man will leave for college cheat on you with the whole softball and volleyball team. Upon confronting him he will blame you and then spam call you for 3 weeks straight. If that’s not enough for you, there’s not a single lady who was impressed with him. Kick rocks man.
Submitted By: The haug
Revokee: Bibbe
Reason For Revocation:
Alone, while all the others where drinking
Submitted By: Courtney
Revokee: Jesse M
Reason For Revocation:
For wearing thongs because they’re more “comfy”
Submitted By: Andrew
Revokee: Raymond Ross Dublin
Reason For Revocation:
Letting another man raise your sons.
Submitted By: Everyone
Revokee: Troy Wagner
Reason For Revocation:
your card is a fake.