Post Tagged with: "humor"

Barry “The Cougar” Dawson’s Lessons in Manliness

To get an idea of just who Barry “The Cougar” Dawson is you would have to combined Chuck Norris, The Dos Equis Man, MacGyver’s Hair, the 70’s and give him an Australian Accent. You would then have yourself the Australian Icon, lady’s man and guru in Manliness that is The Cougar. The Cougar first appeared

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OMC’s Whale Warrior Pete’s favorite John Lennon impersonator and Card Carrying Member, Pete, has posted his entry for the opportunity to crew on board a Sea Shepherd vessel during Operation No Compromise, an intervention against illegal Japanese whaling activities in the Southern Ocean Whale Sanctuary. wants to get behind Pete and help him out with our support

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Stand Up Spotlight – Corey Holcomb

For those that know me they know I am a huge fan of stand up comedy. I love it, I have had the luck of seeing some of the greats perform live on stage. I’m talking Martin Lawrence, Chris Rock, George Lopez, Joe Rogan, Lisa Lampenelli, Dave Chappelle and this man Corey Holcomb. Now

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The OZ Bar World Cup 2010

The OZ Bar is the greatest little pub in Edinburgh, Scotland and is co managed by a good friend of mine, Barry or Baz to his mates. Baz has a thing for Woman’s Curling and a wicked sense of humor so when he posted these signs out the front of the Oz Bar I just

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The Funniest Thing I have Heard All Day

After hearing it for the 15th time I had to admit to myself 2 things, I could not get enough of Chicken Monkey Duck, it’s infectious and annoying and awesome and that I wanted more. Lucky for me the genius behind Chicken Monkey Duck, a fellow named Mike Phirman has also put out a few

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