I understand your asking yourself “What is this topic doing on OfficialManCard.com!?”. Its a valid Man-question! Suppose the budget allowed and the $3 Billion we needed was lying around, should we go back to the moon? “Its a giant white rock” most have said, “Why go back?” There are several reasons to revisit the moon,
Post Tagged with: "billy"
The Revoked Report 015
Hue Jass Revokes “Swagger’s” Man Card for not playing a one on one game of basketball, with a Weenie! See more revocations and submit your own here, at OfficialManCard.com/Revoked!
Billy Mays Pitches Mighty Reaper
Billy’s at it again! Even from the grave, the pitchman keeps on pitching! Production Notes: Bud didn’t shave for Lord knows how long in order to do this bit. You guys better appreciate it!
Billy Mays: Signs of Cocaine Abuse
Was Billy really on something? Its like Jeckle and Hyde! We decided to throw this quick video together to show the difference between Billy Mays off and on his drug of choice. All in good fun, comment and let us know what you think! Stay manly my friends
The Loss of a Legend
Gentlemen, Serious topic today. We’ve had several celebrity deaths occur almost to quickly these past few days. Michael Jackson, Farrah Fawcett, both very much apart of the publics life. Yet the most recent death has really rocked the office the most here at the Official Man Card Studios. The death of Billy Mays came with