WoW account frozen

Revoke his Man Card?

36 Yes
3 No

Revokee Name: Jimmy van viersen

Submitted By: me

Reason for Revocation:
hi all ^^ im a no-lifer
i just hav freezed my WoW Account
i wanna lose my man-card 😀


  1. Simon says:

    I don’t think I can revoke the lad’s card gent’s, seeing as how he has admitted to himself that there is a problem, identified the problem and acted upon it to find a resolution.

    Jimmy, I’m impressed at your actions dude and as there is nothing unmanly here I cannot vote for revocation. You are however a huge geek for having a WOW addiction, this coming from a guy who still wears Spider-man undies (Web-Slinger ones to).

  2. Sergio says:

    Hey Jimmy I too have an addiction…I play MW2. I however also have a girlfriend, a child, and…well a life. But unlike Simon I will vote to revoke your Man Card due to your request..I cannot in good faith let a man who VOLUNTARILY gives up his Man Card keep it…A real man would say yes I have an addiction, but I am a man and i’ll do what the fuck I want, and you have two choices…shut up and like it! But that’s just me.

  3. Ramsey says:

    Jimmy, you got your wish, REVOKED. Playing a video game is fine, I’m a Madden addict myself, but you have broken several rules.
    1) Quitting is for the unmanly
    2) You play WoW?! I thought that was for like 14 year olds with bad acne.
    3) Surge nailed this one, you voluntarily are trying to revoke your own man card. Grow some pride and you got your man card back.

  4. Mike says:

    What is WoW?

  5. Sergio says:

    Mike “WoW” is World of Warcraft its an online game for the PC…some people lose their lives to playing this stupid game.

  6. Mike Huff says:

    Ahh i get it now. Thought that game was stupid. I thought WoW was something like G.L.O.W. Anyone remember the Gorgeous Ladies of Wrestling? Great show on late night TV.

  7. Sergio says:

    G.L.O.W. was indeed awesome.

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