Baby Shower Blunder

Revoke his Man Card?

44 Yes
5 No

Revokee: Angelo

Reason For Revocation:

Angelo begins trash talking a friend about an upcoming football game between his favorite team, the Denver Broncos and his friend’s favorite team, the New England Patriots.

Angelo and his friend then discuss where they will have a few beer and watch the game, only for Angelo to cancel plans 20-minutes later because he must attend a baby shower on football Sunday.


  1. Tom says:

    Baby showers are strange and mysterious my friend. It seems men come out, and whipped husbands return.

    Beer from baby bottles, diaper changing contests, awkward husbands looking at soon to be boyfriends with that wistful “I used to be like you. I had a chance to get out, just like you…”.

    Why one would subject themselves to one of these vile acts is beyond us, especially when football is on. Revoked sir.

  2. Simon says:

    What kind of evil, heartless, and unthinking person would organize a baby shower on a football Sunday?

    I’m Australian, we don’t even have this football you speak of and even I know that, that, that’s just wrong.

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