Christmas list – fail

Revoke his Man Card?

47 Yes
3 No

Revokee: Zach

Reason For Revocation:

family does a gift exchange

everyone is supposed to submit lists. I got this from my brother in law.

Pillow cases (maybe brown)
Bed sheets (maybe brown, unless you don’t think that will go with my red, pearl and brown room motif)

Fail for multiple reasons beginning with pearl motif…..


  1. Tom says:

    Agreed, just for “motif” I vote revoke.

    Plus, red, pearl and brown!? What kind of motif is that!?

  2. Joe says:

    I’m going to be the first to say I don’t think this should have his man card revoked. First off this guy is probably a genius! “a what!?” you say… GENIUS! Your sister probably wants those things but he doesn’t want to buy them. So instead of buying those things for his wife he’s using other people to get him that crap so he can buy more beer! Plus he want’s brown ones! Why brown? Because it’s not girly at all. He probably knows your sister would not be dumb enough to throw away free sheets and pillow cases. As for the pillow you may not want to know why they need new ones chances are your sister is a screamer. I would like to use my man status to provide extra votes against revoking this man’s Man Card.


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