Post Tagged with: "Harden the Fuck up"

Time For a Spoonful of Concrete

Having spent the weekend surfing the net, watching the “news” and listening to people complain about how hard they have it, how expensive things are, how the government it out to get them, and not forgetting all those Men out there whose actions may have caused temporary revocation of a certain “Man Card“. I thought

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Questionable, Expendable Man Card

Revoke his Man Card?

104 Yes
10 No

Revokee Name: Ricky C

Submitted By: Simon

Reason for Revocation:
Ricky tweeted the following “I’m going to see The Expendables tonight. Any ideas on how to stave off the depression when I realise its not Scott Pilgrim?”

Do I really need to continue? Scott Pilgrim was a cool flick, but Ricky is whining about seeing a movie that pretty much gives you a third testicle its so manly. Would you like some cheese with that wine Ricky?

I say Ricky needs to take a teaspoon of cement to help him “Harden the F*ck up!”.

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