Wussed Out

Revoke his Man Card?

22 Yes
10 No

Revokee: Rey

Reason For Revocation:

Earlier in the week you guaranteed that you would work on horse to ride this weekend. You also made the statement that you have ignored your horse for 3 years and neglected it at the same time. You made a false statemment by saying you would work on it and send pictures showing the work so you could join the group for a ride this weekend. On Friday you started with excuses as to why you could not ride. This truly demonstrates and shows you have lost all of your manly abilities. Your ways are showing that of a girlymon! We are disappointed we havve lost a brother to the girlymon club.


  1. John says:

    I think your man card should be revoke for horseback riding. Seriously, it doesn’t get less manly than that.

  2. James says:

    I disagree. Riding Horses, especially in the West, is very much MANLY. Control of a 1000 lb plus animal.. and all of the Westerns? Both Classic AND Recent. The Good, the Bad and the Ugly, Cowboys & Aliens, Unforgiven, Jonah Hex, Tombstone, Desperado, Young Guns, Young Guns 2, Last Man Standing, The Quick and the Dead, Rio Bravo, Maverick(fuck, his horse was a good 10 mins of the movie), The Undefeated… Sorry, when Clint Eastwood, John Wayne, and the Marlboro Man all ride horses, you can’t complain.

    The horse was an invaluable part of colonial North America, as well as the forming and expansion of the United States. It was considered quite civil, manly, and necessary for a man to learn how to properly ride a horse. In fact, George Washington (considered the Father of the United States of America) was said to have ridden “tall in the saddle” – an expression used as a compliment by many in his day in regard to his stoic and manly personae and form.

    [Admin Note: Two comments merged into one.]

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