Unmanly posts…..AGAIN

Revoke his Man Card?

15 Yes
3 No

Revokee: Bill Murray

Reason For Revocation:

Bill is at it again, this time he used the word “yummy”.

Bills card was voted on to be revoked previously for posting pictures of cakes. It was voted to be revoked by 27-5.
This time he is being charged with being an hibutual offender.


  1. Eric says:

    Dude, it’s food. You know man vs. food. Man + any food is kind of a package deal. …except for soy! Soy depletes testosterone. Soy is man poison. Soy is the only food related man card offence. Plus B.M. has more man card additives than he does deficits. Man card equilibrium achieved, and maintained for B.M. Sincerely Bill Murray’s man card attorney at law.

  2. Da Real Man says:

    Wait the Bill Murry or…

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