Submitted By: Duende01
Revokee: QZephyr
Reason For Revocation:
-For coming home smelly and the claim to have been at a 24-hour gym.
-For giving her a another man’s business card whom you just met when she knew he was “lying for you”… Oh, Really? Who goes to a gym late at night with a stranger? Lol
-For letting her take the phone of your hands and being pushed around.
-For losing your balance and hitting your head against the living room door jam.
-For grabbing your laptop and locking yourself in the room and try to chat with the after-hours personal trainer.
-For relying so much on wireless technology; Next time, make sure to lock yourself where the router is.
For telling this story to the M109riders Forum… After today you will always be “the domestically abused rider” 😉
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