Immediate Action

Revoke his Man Card?

42 Yes
6 No

Revokee: Kyle Greene

Reason For Revocation:

Unable to name the sports teams of his HOME STATE, California.

Unable to Answer “Who are the LAKERS playing the the playoffs”

Also watches Glee.

Thinks Basketball is a pointless game.


  1. fishaddict says:

    I also think that basketball, baseball, and even football are less than usefull. I much prefer sports that teach a usefull skill. Competative shooting, fencing(sabre, not the foil), and for relaxing, fishing teach one skills that will be needed when the zombies or govt.(but I repeat myself) come. Aside from the team work and leadership aspect, basketball et al are nothing more than bravado and if you want to learn teamwork and leadership join us in the military…

  2. Fred says:

    I think fish addict should also have his man card revoked

  3. fishaddict says:

    Fred I figure you are joshing but sports? Really? Last I checked, being a man involved things that we do for fun and life. Watching someone else play with balls is not the same as being the guy out on the field. You talk basketball but I challenge you to try a quick game of rugby. Don’t watch it…actually play it. I also stick by the fencing and shooting thing largely because I have all my life and while fisticuffs can be fun, nothing beats a good friendly knife fight. I also challenge you to join us out in the field where we snowshoe across fields, do a bit of rabbit hunting(need to eat at least once a day) head down to the lake and cut a hole in the ice and get breakfast and drink whisky rather than that watered down p*ss that passes for beer in this country today. A real man can provide for family, teach his kids to drive stick shift trucks by the time they are able to reach the pedals(had to put blocks on cause my girls are still a bit short at 10) and have his kids help build the smokehouse out back for the critters they have helped skin and butcher in the barn. I am aware that many of the folk in the city are so far removed from what being a real man is about but I can say that catching and cleaning breakfast or hunting and butchering dinner with the kids and watching them grow into men and women beat watching a bunch of overpaid boys run around on a field. A couple weeks ago my 5yr old boy and 3yr old girl hand planted 25 trees in hardpack clay. Girl wheeled her little barrow back and forth delivering compost and manure from the barn and boy dug holes. They are more manly than the armchair quarterbacks.

  4. Mike says:

    Wow you are as redneck as they come. Who the fuck makes their kids build a smokehouse with you in today’s society. Gtfo

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