Illegal use of the word “hubby”

Revoke his Man Card?

27 Yes
1 No

Revokee: Ralph

Reason For Revocation:

“Hubby” is a word used by chicks about their husbands so they can feel more girly. That’s fine. They want to use it? Go for it.

But a guy using it? No. Should never, ever happen.

But my good friend Ralph went ahead and used it! Not only that, but he did so on Facebook, in writing, for many to see, and after a sentence in which he referred to a woman as “my dear.” (The fact that the woman in question was my wife is surprisingly not a big deal. Probably because I knew he disqualified himself from man card ownership a moment later!) Penalty on the play. Personal foul. Take his card for a little while.

(I could send a screenshot, but I’d rather leave out his last name, you know?)


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