Facebook Poking

Revoke his Man Card?

30 Yes
6 No

Revokee: Daniel Byrnside

Reason For Revocation:

Dan claims to be a man, and Dan claims to be a man. But I have received a “poke” from him. The other people whom I received “pokes” from are women. That considered, Dan is doing what women do, therefor he is acting as a women, so he should lose his man card.


  1. Captain America says:

    Justin, you ignorant slut, don’t you know that poking is the manliest thing you can do? Clearly you didn’t realize that he strategically punctured your kidney with that sniper-rifle of a shot! Seek medical attention IMMEDIATELY!

  2. Albert Einstein says:


    It seems to me your logic for the poke is misguided. I have to agree with the Captain, this was clearly an act of violence. You see, while getting punched in the kidney can be messy business, getting poke is much worse, as the same degree of pressure is applied to a much smaller surface space. Therefore, we can surmise that the damage inflicted would be much worse.

    Clearly this Daniel is some sort of Judo or Krav Maga expert. I would avoid at all costs.

  3. DMX says:

    Yo FOOL! Stop being such a little whiny punk! If you can’t take a poke, then maybe you should get back in your Volvo station wagon and drive to the nearest Wal-Mart for a tampon resupply. If I ever see you in the STREETS, I’m gonna straight up poke you in the eye! AIGHT?!

  4. Chuck Norris says:


    You’re a woman.



  5. Daniel B. says:


    Clearly this is not going your way. Shame.

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