Apple Martinis WTF

Revoke his Man Card?

42 Yes
15 No

Revokee: tim

Reason For Revocation:

Here is the conversation

Me: “Tim after the the hockey game, lets smoke a cigar and drink 140 prof rum and chill in the hot tub”

Tim: “No smokes for me but I will drink”

Me: “no cigars???”

Tim: (Jokingly) “Hey lets drink Apple Martinis”


Hanging in the hot tub watching sports smoking Cuban cigars and drinking fine aged imported Rum….. Not gay…..

SayING you won’t smoke but join in the hot tub festivites and then EVEN THINKING OF GREEN APPLE MARTINIS….



  1. John Russell says:

    Reading the flow of your conversation with Tim, it sounds like the same one Bill Clinton had with Monica Lewinsky minus the blue dress. I’m confused as to who needs their Man Card Revoked.
    John Russell we’re done here!

  2. Trevor Sharpe says:

    George, have you ever had a Washington Apple shot? Those things are fuckin’ tasty! I could do shots of those all night if I wanted to. I don’t see how apple martinis are a grounds for revocation.

  3. FridayMan says:

    Hanging in the hot tub with another dude when no girls are around? Seriously WTF??? What man does that??!!! You both get man card revoked and just need to admit your batting for the other team.

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