Blowjobs or Beer?

blowjob Vs Beer
So the results are in! It turns out, the majority of our Man Card readers would rather give up Beer than go through life not being able to get a blow job. What perplexes me is who are those who voted no blowjob for life just for beer? I’d like to hear the reasoning behind it all. I’ll agree its much easier to pull a beer out of the fridge than somehow convince a lady friend to “jingle your keys” so to speak, but would you really give up the chance of that for an ice cold brew? Send your comments, we want to know who to revoke!

Stay Manly My Friends…


  1. Kevin Lautenslager says:

    Here’s my reasoning for why i would pick beer over blowjobs.
    I can just as easily have sex with a girl and be happy, besides would you like to get blown by some chick who will blow a guy that quickly?

    If it’s a relatiomship thing, then beer is definately required and also, sex is right there waitin for you on a silver platter.

  2. Tom says:

    Good Lord Man…Your Right!

  3. Ricardo says:

    Well, I would have to say give up beer. I’ve never had a bad BJ but I have had bad beer. Besides, I have nothing against liquor. By the way, I am still waiting for that thirsty girl needing a bit of extra protien.

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