No Sex

Revoke his Man Card?

78 Yes
9 No

Revokee: Andrew Gravel

Reason For Revocation:

Denies me sex on a multitude of occasions. Btw I’m the blonde in the front.


  1. Augustus Green says:

    The only reason you should be denied sex is if he is dead. That is the ONLY acceptable explanation for a denial

  2. TerblTim says:

    Oh Yeah! Ree-Voke!
    That kind of behavior is specifically girlish.
    Not only that but blondie ought to go trolling for a better (more reliably-manly) specimen.
    Good call, Honey!

  3. anon says:

    Revoke his card until he learns what his junk is used for. God,how did he get a great girl like you and he is such a little douche?

  4. bigdaddybunch says:

    It’s extremely sad when a woman has to take a guys man card away

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