Submitted By: Everyone
Revokee: Troy Wagner
Reason For Revocation:
so many reason…..
Submitted By: Everyone
Revokee: Troy Wagner
Reason For Revocation:
so many reason…..
Submitted By: Mr.Adel Ahmed
Revokee: Capt.Don Johnson
Reason For Revocation:
Disregard for the tenants of Manhood
Submitted By: Men
Revokee: Trevor Skane
Reason For Revocation:
Real men don’t get pedicures
Submitted By: TMZ
Revokee: Erich Nouza
Reason For Revocation:
For never hanging out with the boys and being a complete simp. Grow a pair of balls and come get drunk like a man.
Submitted By: me
Revokee: Ktle Kawecki
Reason For Revocation:
Drinking or in possession of chick drinks
Submitted By: rvb
Revokee: Ktle Kawecki
Reason For Revocation:
Drinking or in possession of chick drinks
Submitted By: rvb
Revokee: Ktle wecki
Reason For Revocation:
Drinking or in possession of chick drinks
Submitted By: Prime
Revokee: Nate Zimring
Reason For Revocation:
To everyone’s dismay, and to the embarrassment of his family and friends, Nate recently admitted to not cleaning his gutters and not understanding how his HVAC system operates. Because of Nate’s unmanlyness, there is now vegetation growing in his gutters and his secondary drain will soon be clogged, causing thousands of dollars in damage to his home. C’mon man!
Submitted By: RE
Revokee: Beau Traut
Reason For Revocation:
Because he’s a drunk a liar and a cheater.
Submitted By: Ziggy
Revokee: Beau Traut
Reason For Revocation:
Because he’s a lying cheater. He lies about stupid shit and cheats even when he has it good.