Post Tagged with: "Parkour"

Brinks Bang, Blam, Boom, Run Away Cinematic Trailer

Its like Fallout 3 & Assassins Creed had a baby, called it Brink and made it learn the French art of running away gracefully (Parkour). This cinematic trailer has plenty of bang bang, blam, boom, splat, my favorite, ka-boom and wow for the gamer in all of us. [Source

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Ladders+Parkour= Pomparkour

Pomparkour is a mash up of parkour and ladders and is apparently regarded as a new type of sport, yeah, right stop dicking around and clean my windows damn it! Pomparkour is based on some crazy French fireman antics from the late 1800’s and the French art of running away known as Parkour. The following

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