The Lonely Island is an American comedy troupe composed of Akiva Schaffer, Jorma Taccone, and Andy Samberg, best known for its musical parodies. The group is from Berkeley, CA, and is currently based in New York City. The group began creating live comedy skits in junior high school and continued to do so, expanding its
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The OMC 4 Track: Birds of Tokyo
Birds of Tokyo were formed in 2004 from a collaboration between members of well known Perth acts Karnivool and Tragic Delicate. Comprised of Ian Kenny from Karnivool on vocals, guitarist Adam Spark, bass player Anthony Jackson and Adam Weston on drums (both from Tragic Delicate). The bands sound has been described as incorporating soaring vocal
The OMC Classic 4 Track: 2Pac
2Pac was and for some still is the best hip hop artist around. Since his death in 1996 Pac has sort of gained an “Elvis” like status of is he alive or is he dead. Not helping that rumor was Pac’s own lyrics which often contained hints and nods to his death and resurrection. 2Pac
The OMC 4 Track: Muse
Muse is what I like to call a simple band with a big sound, it’s core members consist of Lead Guitar/Piano & Vocalist Matt Bellamy, Bass Guitar/Backing Vocalist & Keyboardist Christopher Wolstenholme and Drummer/Percussionist & Synth-master Dominic Howard. The basic composition of the band is Guitar, Bass and Drums and with the combination of Bellamys
The OMC 4 Track: Eminem’s Recovery
In 2009 after a four year absence Eminem finally released a full studio album called Relapse. Relapse was met with a lot of buzz and like all of Em’s previous albums went to number one and earned platinum status. Critics however were not as impressed as many felt that Eminem was just putting out a paycheck
The OMC 4 Track: Hybrid
This week’s OMC 4 Track pick is a little British act called Hybrid Sound System or as they are more commonly known, Hybrid. Based in the Welsh city of Swansea the group is comprised of Mike Truman and Chris Healings, for the 2010 4th studio album, Disappear Here the duo added Charlotte James for the