A drunk male driver manages to hit a parked car and then while trying to flee the scene gets a little visit from karma. Revocation of his Man Card for crimes against Mankind. The first driving while drunk and the second not being Man enough to fess up to his fender bender
Post Tagged with: "shits n giggles"
Interactive Pizza Zombie’s
Kiwi Pizza boys “HELL” not only make kick ass pizza but they also make a kick ass interactive Zombie Video to promote the “Hell” out of said pizza’s. Depending on your decisions at the end of each clip you can expect about 10 to 15 minutes of Zombiepocalypse fun with plenty of Tomato &
The Ozzman Cometh: & he brings Shits ‘n’ Giggles
The world loves Aussies… no… Wait… damn it, it’s Ozzy not Aussie, it’s not my fault they sound the same. The world loves Ozzy Osbourne and at Madame Tussauds in New York the Ozzman took some time out to scare the sh*t outta some unsuspecting visitors to the gallery, Shits ‘n’ Giggles ensue
Motorbike Powered Round About & Out
When you take play equipment to the next extreme level and add in crazy Europeans it has shits n giggles written all over it