Post Tagged with: "official man card"

An Outfit Selfie?!?

Revoke his Man Card?

32 Yes
2 No

Revokee: Jack

Reason For Revocation:

Potential revokee, who is married with a kid, posted a selfie on Instagram of his outfit. Being British is no excuse for trying to start his own “hot girl summer”

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An Outfit Selfie?!?

Revoke his Man Card?

4 Yes
2 No

Revokee: Jack Buckby

Reason For Revocation:

Potential revokee, who is married with a kid, posted a selfie on Instagram of his outfit. Being British is no excuse for trying to start his own “hot girl summer”

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Man card revoked

Revoke his Man Card?

11 Yes
2 No

Revokee: Mark metheimer

Reason For Revocation:

Man card revoked for the following reasons. Making 2 false police reports
Stalking quantrell bishop on Twitter.

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Man card revoked

Revoke his Man Card?

9 Yes
2 No

Revokee: Mark metheimer

Reason For Revocation:

Man card revoked for the following reasons. Making 2 false police reports
Stalking quantrell bishop on Twitter.

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Your Buddies

Revoke his Man Card?

9 Yes
1 No

Revokee: Jansen T Howard

Reason For Revocation:

You are no longer entitled to be considered a man since you have relinquished all thoughts, actions, and mannerisms to the control of a modern day Delilah. If you pursue this path, more than your ‘locks’ may get cut!!!

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Psycho Swinger

Revoke his Man Card?

2 Yes
0 No

Revokee: Isaac Dockery

Reason For Revocation:

This man will leave for college cheat on you with the whole softball and volleyball team. Upon confronting him he will blame you and then spam call you for 3 weeks straight. If that’s not enough for you, there’s not a single lady who was impressed with him. Kick rocks man.

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Saw twilight

Revoke his Man Card?

0 Yes
0 No

Revokee: Bibbe

Reason For Revocation:

Alone, while all the others where drinking

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Man card Revoked

Revoke his Man Card?

14 Yes
2 No

Revokee: Jesse M

Reason For Revocation:

For wearing thongs because they’re more “comfy”

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Revoke his Man Card?

15 Yes
0 No

Revokee: Raymond Ross Dublin

Reason For Revocation:

Letting another man raise your sons.

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Man Card

Revoke his Man Card?

3 Yes
0 No

Revokee: Troy Wagner

Reason For Revocation:

your card is a fake.

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