Barry Shouldn’t go to the grocery store when he’s pissed because people look at you funny when you abuse the produce for not being fresh enough
Post Tagged with: "drunk"
You’re Doing it Wrong: Drunk Parking
A drunk male driver manages to hit a parked car and then while trying to flee the scene gets a little visit from karma. Revocation of his Man Card for crimes against Mankind. The first driving while drunk and the second not being Man enough to fess up to his fender bender
What Kind of Drunk Are You?
A Simple to follow flow chart from those funny buggers over at CollegeHumor
Guy Vs Flip-Flop
My house mate has his use’s past his porn collection and paying bill’s. Forwarding me this video of a very wasted guy trying to put his filp-flops on while at the Coachella festival is another