Post Tagged with: "boobs"

TV Alert: Danger 5

Have you ever thought to yourself that there is not enough TV shows, if any with Dinosaurs, Nazis, Golden Guns, and a 1960’s era version of world war II? Well now there is with the Australian made Danger 5. Take The Thunderbirds, Star Trek, Adam West’s Batman, Power Rangers and James Bond, put them in

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Jim Beam Porno Ad

This controversial and sexy commercial from Jim Beam has been giving guys awkward desk wood all morning. Check out this sexy flannel lady pouring her man a shot

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Guess Who? Japanese Style

The Japanese have always been known for their crazy TV game shows, some are crazy, some are sadistic, some are down right insane. But in this version of Guess Who? its nothing but sexy

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The most popular image of the female despite the exigencies of the clothing trade is all boobs and buttocks, a hallucinating sequence of parabolae and bulges. -Germaine Greer

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Jingle Boobies!

I dont know whether or not to be disturbed or completely amazed by this talent… but this is certainly something new for me. Just another reason as to why boobs are awesome!! they can be musical; I know this is a bit late into the past holiday season but hey! with this amazing feat,

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When Charity Gives Back

Charity Hodges, best known for her rather impressive ability to wear a bikini has spent the last five years focusing on a career in television and music. Landing a gig as host of the racing-themed NOPI Tunervision, appearing on ABC’s Are You Hot and MTV’s True Life, Charity also scored a guest appearance on personal

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Sunday Strip Tease

What happens when two hotties, well known for their online strip tease videos video chat? A sexy strip tease battle royal is what! Cameron and Hollie battle royal in their pink teddy bear shirts and tiny, booty-exposing panties. Exposing their fantastic bodies while rocking out to “Good Times” by Saints of the Underground, in this

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Cleavage, Medically Good to Look at FTW!

An article in the New England Journal of Medicine states, in not so many words that ogling woman’s breasts is good for a man’s health and can add years to his life. According to the New England Journal of Medicine, “Just 10 minutes of staring at the charms of a well-endowed female is roughly the

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The Real Team “Coco”, Nicole Austin

Once again we find ourselves balls deep in yet another weekend, and where there is a weekend there is an Official Man Card Sexy Ladies gallery post. This weekend, not so much the sexy ladies as the sexy lady as we only have the one . Once again Official Man Card pays tribute to a

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Return of the Hand Bra

The Hand Bra posts finally get to “Trilogy” status. It all started with Xavi’s post Sunday Sin: “Hand Bra” Edition, which was eagerly followed up with a sequel Sunday Sin: “Hand Bra The Squeal” (instant winner), and now with the last installment of the hand-in-front-of-naked-breast saga, we present to you, Return of the Hand Bra

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