The most popular image of the female despite the exigencies of the clothing trade is all boobs and buttocks, a hallucinating sequence of parabolae and bulges. -Germaine Greer
Post Tagged with: "ass"
The Real Team “Coco”, Nicole Austin
Once again we find ourselves balls deep in yet another weekend, and where there is a weekend there is an Official Man Card Sexy Ladies gallery post. This weekend, not so much the sexy ladies as the sexy lady as we only have the one . Once again Official Man Card pays tribute to a
Streakers Nudie Run Fail
To be a Man is many things, we are far from simple beasts and driven by urges to create, build, protect, provide, get naked, succeed, push ourselves physically and mentally to the limit… wait, get naked, what? Oh yeah, Men like to get naked, usually after we get drunk first, and then go for a
Female Ball Sports
No one said ball sports are just for men, in fact I’d rather watch women’s sports over the blokes any day. A lot of the fans will say that the male sports have more action, are more aggressive and more entertaining to watch compared to female version of the sport. I say your watching it
The man, the myth, the legendary Tucker Max
There are very few men that deserve entry into the Hall of Fame. In fact that list is incredibly short, men like Hugh Hefner, Jimmy Kimmel, Bill Clinton, and Tucker Max. Tucker Max? You ask, YES Tucker Max. Some of you may not know who Mr. Tucker Max is so let me introduce you
Sexy Fitness with Rock Bodied Zuzana
YouTube fitness guru Zuzana Light was a former soft porn actress and model (“Susana Spears”) before she made the transition to fitness expert (although not officially qualified she is an ISSA Certified Personal Trainer), now if that doesn’t grab your attention it certainly wont take you long to work out why she’s the most watched
Saturday Hottie – Nicole “Coco” Austin
Approach a typical guy and just say “Coco” and you will be met with “whooooo”, “Goddamn”, “mmm, mmm, mmm” and more often than not “DAAAAMN!”. Some women are blessed with voluptuous breasts, or a perfectly rotund ba-dunk but the amazing Coco was gifted from God himself with all of the above…the latter being the more
American Apparel “Best Booty” Contest
So this small company from California, called American Apparel (heard of them?), started a contest to find the best booty that their products have graced. Over 1000 ladies from all over the world dropped their pants and displayed their beautiful booties for all to see. In the end, “Boom Boom” from Santo Domingo took the