Poker Run Madness
Sorry about the late update, but Bud and I just got over our Key West Hangovers. The Poker Run was a blast! We ran into a few current Members (Nod to John Walsh) and issued quite a few Man Cards. Needless to say, we’ve definitely have a lot more members in Key West now.
I wanted to make special mention of one Member in particular. Allan M. was issued his Man Card late Sunday afternoon. That night, we all went out to a restaurant (because alcohol alone can kill a Man!) and Allan was our waiter! The golden moment of the night was when Bud spilled his Corona all over, and without missing a beat Allen whipped out a Revoked Card and issued it to Bud. This is the first time Bud’s Man Card has been Revoked – Saturday, September 19th, 2008 at 9:58pm. This day will live in infamy. Allen then made Bud put on one of the women waitresses grass skirts and perform a hula dance for the restaurant. Bud obliged and earned his Man Card back.
So among all the fun we found time to shoot some video. That will be up a little later this week. Meantime, the Surf Expo video has been posted, so enjoy the boob shirts all the lovely ladies professing their love for
More to Come, Stay Manly My Friends…
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