Man of the Moment: Craig Rowin

Craig Rowin, a man who asked for One Million Dollars,
Gets One Million Dollars! (sonofabitch)

Craig Rowin is a writer and comedian living in Brooklyn, nothing million dollar worthy about that, so he started posting videos on YouTube in which he politely asked for a million dollars. Several videos and months later someone saw His campaign and figured “I’ve got a spare million lying around” and decided to send Craig a check for the requested million dollars.

His campaign had drawn a lot of attention and at one point in his trip to the requested million someone sent him a check for five thousand dollars. Craig rejected the check because he had asked for one million dollars, not five thousand. Envious or jealous of his campaign to simply ask for one million dollars you have to hand it to him for giving it a go, sticking with it and for someone out there thinking why the hell not.

There will be an official check-handing ceremony at the UCB Theatre in New York on February 2 at 8:00 PM.


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