Find Sergio
I am partying it up hard this Holiday Season in fabulous Las Vegas. Between drinks and gambling, I figured this would be a good time to start connecting with our users. What better way to connect with you guys than free shit?
Here’s how our contest works: I will be FourSquare/Tweeting our my location in about an hour or so. Once that goes up, I’ll be roaming around the Hard Rock.
The First person to come up to me and either 1. Present their Authentic Man Card to me or 2. Say “Hey Sergio, Stay Manly My Friend” will win an Armageddon Package right here from
Hell we’ve even made it easy for you. Follow @OMC_Sergio or look at my tweets below and you will get the FourSquare update on my location. Find me, follow the instructions, and the prize is yours. Pretty sweet, am I right?
Looking forward to seeing you guys in Vegas!
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