Batman XXX – Porn review
Holy porn Batman! Yes you read that right Batman has finally stepped into the wonderful world of adult film. Directed by Axel Braun Batman XXX is a parody of the campy 1960’s television series starring Adam West and Burt Ward.
Here Batman and Robin are played by Dale DaBone and James Deen respectively. DaBone does such an amazing job getting the way and manner that Adam West used to portray Batman/Bruce Wayne. First off let me say that the attention to detail made me even question whether I was really watching a porn. I mean the costumes were almost exact replicas of the original 1960’s show. Hell, even the actual Batmobile shows up for a second. Not to say there wasn’t any budget issues that made me laugh (although that could have been done purposely to add to the “campy feel”). For example Barbara Gordon/Batgirl (played by Lexi Belle) takes off her costume for her scene with Robin (Deen) and under her boots she is wearing some very gaudy looking socks, or when the Joker (played brilliantly by Randy Spears) is threatening Batman, Robin, and Batgirl he is clearly using a toy star trek phaser. Overall those issues are easily overlooked.
The plot (yes there is actually a decent plot!) revolves around The Riddler (also played to perfection by Evan Stone) kidnaps Bruce Wayne’s fiancé Lisa Carson and holds her for ransom. While in captivity Miss. Carson tries to bargain with The Riddler to give her better accommodations, needless to say thanks to some sexual encouragement captivity seems to agree with Miss. Carson. Batman and Robin hear about the kidnapping from Commissioner Gordon and go looking for The Riddler. While investigating a disco Batman is drugged then taken advantage of by The Riddler’s female henchwoman. Robin then enlists the help of Batgirl to rescue Batman. After finding out that The Riddler is being aided by both The Joker and Catwoman they both witness The Joker gives his two female henchwomen the business and after seeing that Batgirl asks Robin to show her why people call him “Boy Wonder” and Robin happily agrees. After their tryst Batgirl and Robin are captured and held captive by Joker, Catwoman, and Riddler. Batman and Lisa Carson are also brought in. Just as Joker and Riddler are about to kill the Caped Crusaders Catwoman seems to have a change of heart and frees Batman, telling him that he owes her one. After Joker, Riddler, and Catwoman are captured Batman and Robin have Batgirl take Joker and Riddler away and Miss. Carson to safety. Catwoman says that the Caped Crusaders owe her one so Batman and Robin give her two. Overall Batman XXX was a pleasure to watch, not your average porn movie. Based on my new rating system I give Batman XXX 5 out of 5 beers because for adult movies it doesn’t get any better than this.
This was one of the best movie reviews of all time. Can’t
wait to see the movie!!
Why thank you John, I think it was one of the..if not the best porn movies I’ve ever reviewed