1 Drunk, 2 Idiots & Bud
Six weeks back I was required to report to Official Man Card HQ in person for our first Official Man Card Dot Com annual meeting. This is our excuse to hang out for a few weeks, discuss new ideas, have a boys trip somewhere (Vegas) and do all the boring stuff like update all necessary forms and paperwork and have our required annual medical. While there will be many stories, videos and I’m sure revocations from this trip to follow, this is by far the post I have been looking forward to sharing with you all the most.
After our first of many drinking sessions meetings, which was held over dinner at OMC HQ and with a selection of mixed beverages (somebody brought wine, there is no accounting for taste) and where all previous meetings have been held via video conference, this one we made the mistake of all being in the same room for and it soon deteriorated into Shits n Giggles. The Mexican Ramsey got drunk, Jorge passed out on the couch (little prick took his shoes off first*), Bud laughed at everything, Tom took his shirt off and I found a paintball marker.
This video documents the shenanigans following my discovery of said paintball marker and after the drunk Ramsey, with camera in hand listening to Tom & I debate over the power of his Marker, a Tippman Custom 98 vs the power of my own, an Invert Mini, gave us just enough coaxing for the two sober people in the room to shoot each other.
* House rules state that should a Card Carrying Member of OfficialManCard.com fall asleep at an event with two or more fellow Card Carrying Members present and leave his shoes on, he is declared fare game as he has passed out in play. HOWEVER, should the Member remove his shoes, he has then made a conscious decision to go to sleep and has removed himself from play and is OFF LIMITS to all subsequent Tomfoolery.
Nicely done Si, didn’t even flinch.
Ozzy tuff.
This video makes me laugh every time even now over a year later.