Our good friends over at Big Bucket Software have finally released their long awaited 2nd offering to the world of iPhone/iTouch/iPad gaming, The Incident is a universal binary for iPhone, iPod touch, and the iPad so you only need to buy it once to play it anywhere
Post Tagged with: "Video Game"
PAC-MAN Turns 30
PAC-MAN, developed by Namco and licensed for distribution in the U.S. by Midway was first released in Japan on May 22, 1980. This year marks the arcade hits 30th anniversary and is often regarded as the most important single contributor to the video game industry to date and it is still runing strong and is
In Russia, Video Game Play You…
You don’t need to be able to understand Russian to work out that this is fracking cool! I want one and I have a Grandma I’m prepared to sell on the black market in order to get one. For those of you who may be wondering why it looks like he is in a flight