We hand-delivered a Man Card Order to Kelly in Homestead, Fl, and decided to surprise her with the camera crew and all. We didn’t have an oversized check in hand – we had something better: Her husbands Authentic Man Card and her Authorization to Revoke a Man Card. Stay Manly My Friends
Post Tagged with: "revoke"
Flashlight Machine Gun
So your out walking the dog; its late, dark, and Poot the dog doesn’t seem to want to do her business to quickly. Suddenly you hear the crackle of a twig. You and Poot look up, and as you sqint your eyes to see through the darkness you kick on your trusty flashlight. Thats when
100 Hotest Women
Look, I realize that everyone has their own likes and dislikes, but when someone puts together a “Top 100 Hottest Women” article, shouldn’t it have something for all men? While there are several disagreements we have here at the Official Man Card studios, we can all agree that these women are hot (at least 85%
There Will Be Revocations
A Parody of The Infamous “I Drink Your Milkshake” Scene in the Movie “There Will Be Blood”
Revoked Report 003
This is the Revoked Report 003 for the Official Man Card.com Revoked System. Visit OfficialManCard.com/Revoked and revoke a man card!