Post Tagged with: "mencard"

Man Card Arctic Expedition

Man Card Arctic Expedition goes out to find the elusive Klondike Bear. What they found was something much, much more

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Man Card Movie Review: Extract

Lets get the disclaimer out of the way: I’m a fan of Mike Judge. The man is funny! From King of the Hill, to Office Space to the more recent Idiocracy and more, Mike Judge can make a movie. Having said that, lets talk about Extract. I saw the trailer early on, thought it was

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The Revoked Report 015

Hue Jass Revokes “Swagger’s” Man Card for not playing a one on one game of basketball, with a Weenie! See more revocations and submit your own here, at!

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Flashlight Machine Gun

So your out walking the dog; its late, dark, and Poot the dog doesn’t seem to want to do her business to quickly. Suddenly you hear the crackle of a twig. You and Poot look up, and as you sqint your eyes to see through the darkness you kick on your trusty flashlight. Thats when

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Movie Preview: Gamer

Members, You liked 300 right? Old style action movie about the Spartans. Well, fast forward to “the near future” and you’ve got Gamer. Action, explosions, and no naked Persian Man-Gods this time. Gamer tells the story of Video Games in the future! In the future, you play using actual people and live ammo. Inmates of

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New Video: This is your Man Card

A commercial we put together to promote the worlds only Authentic Man Card. Tell friends/family/Man Card holders!

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More Man Cards To The Brave

That’s right members, we’ve issued even more Authentic Man Cards to our soldiers in Iraq. We send 30+ guys their Man Cards and they were cool enough to take pictures. Turns out they had a Man Card ceremony, complete with Revocations and beer(or Near Beer)! So a big thanks to Erik and the rest of

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