Post Tagged with: "man laws"
Man Rule #24: What is a Man without a grill? Nothing. Go get one. Guys, This is a fundamental rule. Honestly, if you don’t currently own a grill, I really don’t know how you gained access to this site. If you think back to your earliest history class, you learned that cave men discovered fire
Man Rule #709: There are pivotal movies in the world that Men must see The Godfather, Rocky, Scarface. If you haven’t, your man card is in jeopardy. While these may be pivotal man movies that a father should show his son, an older brother passes down to his younger brother, the list does not end
Man Rule #86: If caught reading assembly instructions, Deny Deny Deny! Guys, the truth is that we should never read the instructions. Whether its a particle board bookshelf or that brand new table saw, there is no reason for us to read how it is intended to be used from the factory. We’re men, and