It is once more time for us to post up a few pictures of the extremely popular COStume PLAYing hotties from around the world. Dressed in their hottest costumes from sources in manga, anime, tokusatsu, comic books, graphic novels, video games, hentai and fantasy movies, who wouldn’t find this fun to play, or in this
Post Tagged with: "hotties"
Saturday Motivational Posters
It has been a while since I posted any motivational or demotivational posters so I’m hoping the following selection with their combination of humor and hotties makes up for that
Saturday Cosplay
Its Saturday and about that time of month that we check back in with those COStume PLAYing hotties from around the world
Introducing…The Girls of Glee
Okay gentleman, its gone on long enough. It is time for me to give you 6 reasons to watch Glee. Aside from the sexual overtones and kick ass soundtrack these lovely ladies are on it and sometimes they are wearing very sexy clothes…so lets embrace this phenomenon that is clearly sweeping the nation, and let
Saturday Cosplay
Cosplay, short for “costume play”, is a type of performance art in which participants don costumes and accessories to represent a specific character or idea. Popular sources include manga, anime, tokusatsu, comic books, graphic novels, video games, hentai and fantasy movies
Saturday Cosplay
Cosplay, short for “costume play”, is a type of performance art in which participants don costumes and accessories to represent a specific character or idea. Popular sources include manga, anime, tokusatsu, comic books, graphic novels, video games, hentai and fantasy movies
X-Ray Pin-Up Calendar = Boner
The “Eizo: Pin-up Calendar 2010” is a great little collection of naked ladies, really naked, like to the bone naked. After finding out that Eizo is a brand of medical supplies the calendar starts to make sense, but is still a little weird. Weirdly hot, defiantly hot, damn I need to get out more