Post Tagged with: "golf"

The Clay Pigeon Golf Shot

So I just woke up from an Eggnog induced coma due to the Christmas spirit. The crew is on a small hiatus, and so I wanted to entertain you guys with a little manly wager. Whether you feel golf is Manly or not, you cannot disagree that when a group of guys get together, we

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Welcome to Balls Week!

Welcome to’s first annual “Balls Week” where we celebrate the things that every man has in common…balls (unless your Hitler and you only had one). Over the next week we will proudly dedicate posts to things having to do with or related to not just our testes but balls in general. We will conclude

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The Womens Tee

Guys I’m not a huge golfer. Hell, last time I played I shot a 123 – for those of you who don’t play that’s an AMAZING score! Kevin L, long time man card member and @shindigity on the site, sent in this little video of a man, a golf tee, and a really bad slice

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