Post Tagged with: "girls"

Soccer is a Girls Game

At the risk of revocation from our European readers, I have to admit I’m not a fan of Soccer, the only reason I’m familiar with ball sports at all is because in the 6th grade we were to poor to afford pockets in my shorts. Continuing to refine the recipe for the perfect sport this

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Saturday Motivational Posters

It has been a while since I posted any motivational or demotivational posters so I’m hoping the following selection with their combination of humor and hotties makes up for that

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Sexy Asian Girls Playing Soccer in the Mud

Sexy Asian Girls, Playing Soccer, in Mud, its like a recipe for the perfect sport. Its begs me to ask the question why are the British, South Americans, and most of Europe so crazy over Soccer/Football. A bunch of sissy boy bad actors running around a field tripping over the smallest divit in the ground

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Female Ball Sports

No one said ball sports are just for men, in fact I’d rather watch women’s sports over the blokes any day. A lot of the fans will say that the male sports have more action, are more aggressive and more entertaining to watch compared to female version of the sport. I say your watching it

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Saturday: Girls With Glasses

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Friday: Links & Vid 2010/09/24

As with every Friday likes to post a few links and an interesting video to help you wind down your work day and start to relax ready for the weekend. Give you something to do during that Friday morning log on, read and watch during that first cup of Joe and have something interesting

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Mens Best Pick Up Lines

Guys, We all have them. Awesome pick up lines. Lines that make a Woman’s heart melt. We all know that, when its 1am at a bar, the surefire way to get a lady to head on home with you is one of these little magical bullets in a sentence. Here I’ve found an expert at

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Previously, on the Official Man Card Dot Com

“Previously, on the Official Man Card Dot Com” is a quick list all of the previous weeks posts in one simple to read location. Last week being the week that was in this week that is, here is what you may have missed. The Daily Trunk Monkey: Monday – Lack of Monkeys in Australia supplemented

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The 50 Most Popular Women on the Internet

Unless you’ve just hit 88 in a DeLorean and somehow ended up smashing into an internet cafe only to crawl from the wreckage to exclaim “Marty, what is this strange network of computers they call the internet!?” then you know the internet is no longer Geek Hobby. Its the new medium, the bees knees as

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Official Man Card Chatroulette Show #3

Official Man Card has made it a mission to seek out the insanity that lives on chatroulette. This third installment we had to revoke a few man cards! Check it out and let us know what kind of crazy things you’ve seen on chatroulette in the comments. Stay Manly My Friends&#

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