Gentlemen, its that time of year once again. The time when headaches become migraines and the potential for hell on earth can occur. Yeah you guessed it… the dreaded holiday season. Luckily for all of you and has your back. We called our good friends over there at and asked them for
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Is There An Epic Battle For Co-Host Brewing?
G4’s Attack of the Show has had many co-host changes over the years as people have come and gone, that is except for long time host and Official Man Card holder Kevin Pereira. When AOTS’ first female co-host Sarah Lane departed in 2006 after marrying another former AOTS host Brendan Moran a worldwide search began
Caption This: September Winner
Once again I’d like to thank everyone who added a caption for this competition. The winner of this months Caption This: T-Shirt is Justin Hensley with the caption “Knew putting that mirror there would have the tard waving to himself.” Justin took a different direction to the “locked key in the shuttle” idea and for
Caption This: Yuri, Open the Door!
Our “Caption This” post returns again this month and offers up a free T-Shirt for the best caption to the picture below. Post your entries in the comments section below or for our facebook users you can comment on our page at Be sure to become a fan of the page while your there