Post Tagged with: "Documentary"

Steve Weibe ReCrowned as the King of Kong

Steve Weibe, star of the 2007 movie / documentry King of Kong: Fistful of Quarters, is the king once more after shattering rival Billy Mitchell’s record. Wiebe last held the Donkey Kong record in spring of 2007, only to be bested by his movie rival Billy Mitchell months later. Mitchell’s score fell to New York’s

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Friday: Links & Vid 2010/09/03

The Links: 10 ways to kill time till the NFL season starts Batman Getting Hit in the Balls – Comics The 20 Hottest Girls Of Horror The Top 10 Most Badass Soldiers of All Time 25 Photos That Prove Hipsters Suck The 21 Most Cliche Dorm-Room Posters . The Vid: Great White Hunters What do

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Trek Nation: Documentary

I have seen the Star Trek films as a kid and the new one is pretty flashy, shiny and entertaining but I am far from dubbed as a Trekkie. Trek Nation isn’t a film about Star Trek, I mean it is a film about Star Trek but not what you would expect going by previous

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