It’s the wonder bra equivalent for men, sorry lad’s I’m out, done, finished, over it. If this is what the world has come to can some one please ask the driver to pull over, I’d like to get off. “The Shock Jock Flirt Boxer and Brief. These revolutionary new skivvies feature a soft hidden cup,
Post Tagged with: "cock"
Nerf Weekend Warrior
While talking to Official Man Card Member Adam over the weekend (not about Hellcats, I promise) he made mention of his plans to hold a Nerf war with his family and a few of his friends over the Christmas break. Always up for a bit of the foam dart fun I asked him what his
Worlds Luckiest Parrot
This could be the worlds luckiest bird, insert witty pun involving tit, shag, booby or cock. Its a shame we didn’t get to see the womans face, I can only imagine her smile as that little fella slid down between her fun bags