The Last Exorcism is a film due out later this year shot in a style reminiscent of the Blair Witch Project with the whole “found footage” presentation. The film also has a few attempt at viral marketing, that’s not to say this is a bad thing as you can have some serious fun with viral
Post Tagged with: "chatroulette"
Chatroulette for Xbox?
A thoughtful Dad signed on to the Xbox Live forums with a simple question: “Why has my son been ban from Xbox live until 31/12/9999?” (That’s December 12, 9999 for the rest of us). You can image his surprise when someone wrote back “Your son was exposing himself on camera in Uno”. Can someone say
Ben Folds Does Chatroulette
Taking a page right out of the Official Man Card book, Ben Folds jumped on Chatroulette and did a few improv songs. The difference between him and us? About 2000 people in Charlotte, NC and damn good Piano Playin’. We’ll continue our quest for funny ass chatroulette videos gents’. What do you guys think we
Official Man Card Chatroulette Show #3
Official Man Card has made it a mission to seek out the insanity that lives on chatroulette. This third installment we had to revoke a few man cards! Check it out and let us know what kind of crazy things you’ve seen on chatroulette in the comments. Stay Manly My Friends&#
Chatroulette Inverviews #2
Tom takes another crack at getting interviews on Chatroulette. There are some crazy people on this site
Chatroulette Interviews
We jumped on the now infamous Chatroulette to interview those who weren’t playing with their twig and berries to ask them one simple question: Why are you on Chatroulette? We didn’t get many answers, but got quite a few funny responses. Stay Manly&#
Why Chat Roulette is Awesome
Why use the word “awesome” to describe the cultural snafu that is Chat Roulette? Not for the hundreds of NSFW animations and the countless guys “rollin the dice”. Not even for the guys with witty signs asking to see breasts (probably some of them for the first time no doubt). Found this here. Its for