Post Tagged with: "buttocks"

Poop Shoot(er)

North Carolina police believe that a man they arrested and booked into the county jail earlier this week managed to smuggle an unloaded 10-inch firearm into the cell with him. According to police, the man “may have” stashed a .38 barrel revolver in his rectum. Keep in mind that this is after a strip search

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The most popular image of the female despite the exigencies of the clothing trade is all boobs and buttocks, a hallucinating sequence of parabolae and bulges. -Germaine Greer

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American Apparel “Best Booty” Contest

So this small company from California, called American Apparel (heard of them?), started a contest to find the best booty that their products have graced. Over 1000 ladies from all over the world dropped their pants and displayed their beautiful booties for all to see. In the end, “Boom Boom” from Santo Domingo took the

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