It has been a while since I posted any motivational or demotivational posters so I’m hoping the following selection with their combination of humor and hotties makes up for that
Post Tagged with: "Breasts"
Sunday Strip Tease
… I found those strip lights by the way, I also found a lifetime supply of these possibly NSFW videos (but hey thats why I post them on a Sunday)… the internet, making my job easier since I got a job, and the internet
Give a Cheer for the Girls From Hellcats
With the revocations for Watching Glee finally dying down its only a matter of time until the Internet savvy male population descend upon another TV Show to revoke your Man Card for watching. So here is a heads up, Hellcats, WB’s Cheerleader comedy and the next guilty pleasure for the TV watching Man. Dude is
Strip Tease Fun… ny
While searching the internet for “Strip Lights”, that’s my story and I’m sticking to it like a kleenx after 15 minutes alone with pay per view, I came (no pun intended) across this little internet gem. As always, being the sharing caring kind of guy that I am, I thought I would post it here
Saturday Cosplay
Its Saturday and about that time of month that we check back in with those COStume PLAYing hotties from around the world
Female Ball Sports
No one said ball sports are just for men, in fact I’d rather watch women’s sports over the blokes any day. A lot of the fans will say that the male sports have more action, are more aggressive and more entertaining to watch compared to female version of the sport. I say your watching it
Fresh Balls – Product Review
While conducting research for “Balls Week” I stumbled across this little product. Las Vegas based So Fresh So Dry created a product that belongs in every guys car, desk, locker, or bathroom that product is called Fresh Balls. Fresh Balls prevents wetness and the uncomfortable feeling of sweat, stickiness and chafing in the groin area
Balls Week Hottie
For those of you who are regulars to this site, you may remember this fine female specimen from our 2010 World Cup coverage (a world cup where EVERYONE is invited to, America listen up). For those of you new here or who have forgotten check out this magic eye photo of a hottie with, and