Not having the good fortune to live in the USA like the rest of my OMC brothers, I have no idea what half the items in this recipe are. That doesn’t stop me from wanting to find out by cooking me up a batch of this insane pork loaded chili concoction. Check out the Bacon
Post Tagged with: "alcohol"
Fireworks…You’re Doing It Wrong!
Ah, July you bring us so much joy here in America. On Independence Day us Americans usually celebrate by drinking massive amounts of alcohol and blowing things up. Problem is if drunk people are forbidden to drive then setting off dangerous explosives is probably not a brilliant idea either. Luckily for us…and you we here
Poker Run Madness
Members, Sorry about the late update, but Bud and I just got over our Key West Hangovers. The Poker Run was a blast! We ran into a few current Members (Nod to John Walsh) and issued quite a few Man Cards. Needless to say, we’ve definitely have a lot more members in Key West now