To get an idea of just who Barry “The Cougar” Dawson is you would have to combined Chuck Norris, The Dos Equis Man, MacGyver’s Hair, the 70’s and give him an Australian Accent. You would then have yourself the Australian Icon, lady’s man and guru in Manliness that is The Cougar. The Cougar first appeared
Post Tagged with: "advertising"
Visit Australia…
Once Australia had successfully invaded New Zealand The Gruen Transfer thought it only fair to give the Kiwis a chance to get their own back on the Aussies little advertising campaign to invade their country. This is what they came up with. … Ouch, little close to home but fair cop. So Tom, looking forward
Aussies Prep to Invade New Zealand
The Gruen Transfer is an Australian television program focusing on advertising hosted by Wil Anderson along with a panel of advertising industry experts. The Show is named after Victor Gruen, designer of the very first shopping mall and the term describes that split second when the mall’s intentionally confusing layout makes our eyes glaze and