Too Much Bacon

Revoke his Man Card?

11 Yes
0 No

Revokee: Murph

Reason For Revocation:

At work we have a food truck come once a month with free food. This month the food truck is Donuts. My colleague order a donut with Bacon. A delicious treat with sugary goodness and a dollop of Bacon bits on top. He had the audacity to say “This is too much Bacon” and proceed to grab a pinch of the Bacon bits and throws them in the trash.

As a strong advocate of the Man society, I feel strongly about this submission of a revocation. Any and all Men know that Bacon is the holiest of food groups in the Man society. I believe it is my duty as a Man to make this submission to justify this blasphemy. No one should treat bacon as such trash.

You can NEVER have enough Bacon.

1 Comment

  1. Maybe I could understand if this statement came from your girlfriend.

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