Submitted By: Shamed friend
Revokee: Scott Smith
Reason For Revocation:
Mr Smith, it has come to our attention that you watch Pride and Prejudice with your wife. Under Article 3 Section 2. Forbidden movies. Our witness, Daniel Smith, noticed you watching the said movie with your wife. Itself is a minor violation. But you were asking questions about the movie. “Is she going to marry that guy” and “I think she likes him” This has been noted as a major violation. Adding to the list, you didnt even make popcorn or provide snacks. Which is a critical offense.
You man card has hereby be revoked for 30 days. No appeal is allowed for these offenses.
If no other major or critical offenses are found. You man card will be reinstated on August 15th at 12:01am
Man Card Society of Texas
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