Revokee Name: Shawn
Submitted By: Scott (me)
Reason for Revocation:
This past weekend I had a party that had been planned for over a week. My friend Shawn even requested the days off so he would not be on call.
A couple hours after being there he tells me he’s leaving to meet up with a girl he’s been talking to for 2 days. To me that entitles a revocation wether he succeeded in the slaying or not. What do ya’ll think?
yes this is worthy of revocation, bros before hoes..its already man law. If you are to hang out with the boys you gotta show up failure to do so is a party foul and a revocable offense. For shame Shawn, for shame!
lets just hope he wasnt dragon slaying!
I disagree, he showed up to the party and was there for a few hours. He fulfilled his social obligation to you, it’s not like he ditched you altogether.
If he took of work to make sure he was free to attend the party then it was a punk move to leave. This is just aggravated by the fact he had only been talking to this girl for 2 days. 2 days and hes already whipped.
Should have invited the girl to the party
I am with Ramsey on this one
Jorge, you make a valid point HOWEVER I’m staying in Vegas with Ramsey & Surge and I don’t need any pay back for pissing them off. that last thing I need is to wake up next to a hooker with brand new matching handcuff wedding rings and a hangover.
matching wedding rings…I would never condone such a practice…Now The Franchise on the other hand could come up with many, many, things worse….The Franchise might have you wake up next to….well lets just say a hangover would be the least of your problems haha. Just know you made a smart choice my friend.