Hue Jass is back with another Revoked Report! This time, Peter has been revoked by our very own Simon, who claims that Pete didn’t find the Sexy Latina shaking her ass on youtube sexy. What did the community decide? Find out on this weeks Revoked Report!
Archive for Category: "Video"
Foam Finger 003
The boys are back talking more basketball this week with our resident basketball expert Gabby. More Brett Favre talk, who cares about Shaq and more, all in this weeks Foam Finger
The Foam Finger 002
The Foam Finger is back! and in this weeks episode Ramsey and Sergio discuss taxation of the fans for stadiums, Tim Tebow’s new haircut, and more! As always, your comments are appreciated in the comment section below so take a look, let us know what you think and stay manly!
The Foam Finger 001
Ladies and gentlemen strap yourselves in, its the first ever Official Man Card Foam Finger, our new weekly Sports show with Ramsey and Sergio. In this weeks episode, Ramsey & Surge talk pre-season teams, what to expect, and “Discuss” where the Dolphins/Raiders will find themselves this season. This is our brand new show here at
Breaking News: Aussie Has Landed
Breaking News. Simon, the Australian Correspondent to, has breached all military blockade and is barreling down upon Official Man Card HQ. Hue Jass and Ramsey are meeting, trying to come to a conclusion to this perilous journey
Breaking News: Aussie Invasion Cannot Be Stopped
Military forces have began their counter attack on Simon, the Australian correspondent to who’s headed straight for Official Man Card HQ. While things are rocky at what is being called the “Second Battle of the Bulge”, Military advisers are confident that Simon can be stopped. Key personnel have been moved into safe zones. Stay
Breaking News: Aussie Invasion Still Underway
News Update two for! The Aussie invasion has not been stopped. If your just joining us, Simon, contributor to, is in route to invade Official Man Card HQ. Key personnel have been evacuated, the UN and NATO have contributed forces and the US Government have set up blockades to slow the Aussie tide
Breaking News: Aussie Invasion has Begun!
Ladies and gentlemen, we just got word that the Aussie Invasion has begun! We’ve got a special report prepared, take a look and stay manly! Simon, Australian correspondent to, has begin his invasion of the United States. Early reports show him in New York, headed south for OMC Headquarters. Ramsey reports in this Breaking
The Womens Tee
Guys I’m not a huge golfer. Hell, last time I played I shot a 123 – for those of you who don’t play that’s an AMAZING score! Kevin L, long time man card member and @shindigity on the site, sent in this little video of a man, a golf tee, and a really bad slice